How To Prevent Bad Breath?

Bad breath can be prevented if you: Quit smoking. Tobacco usage tends to dry out the mouth and contribute to bad breath. Quitting smoking also helps in overruling GERD symptoms.   Munch on fresh veggies and fruits, such as carrots, celery, or an apple. These healthy snacks help in removing the bacteria from teeth, gums, […]

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Drink Plenty of Water

Be it the adults, the teenagers or kids, water is necessary for everyone. Ample water amounts in body ensure proper function of digestion and a strong immune system. By drinking ten to twelve glasses of water every day, you also get to detoxify your body. Pick colorful water bottles with your kid’s favorite cartoon characters […]

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Shortness of Breath That Appears Suddenly

If you’ve ever felt you couldn’t breathe in enough air, you’ve experienced a condition known medically as dyspnea. Shortness of breath can be a symptom of health problems, often related to heart or lung disease Dyspnea is one of several symptoms of heart failure. Cardiac rehabilitation can help you manage heart failure and other heart-related […]

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A suitable donor should be a healthy individual: Above 17 years With body weight above 50 kg With vital signs like blood pressure and pulse should be in the normal range. However, you cannot donate blood if you: Have been treated for Malaria or Hepatitis B and C or any other transmittable disease in the last […]

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Why Should You Floss Daily?

When we eat or drink throughout the day, the microparticles of food and drinks tend to stick to our teeth. Often, they stay stuck for long periods of time promoting teeth germs to thrive. Brushing can clean the undesirable particles that are stuck on the outer sides of the teeth, but what about the food […]

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Is My BP High?

“Is my blood pressure (BP) high?” I bet this question must have hit your mind every time you had a routine BP exam. You may not have hypertension or related symptoms but still, your BP is almost always checked during every visit to the doctor. Do you know why? Here is the answer: • Hypertension […]

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Effects Of Alcohol On Quality Of Sleep

Snoring The sedative effect of alcohol causes all the muscles of the body, including those of the throat, to undergo relaxation. This blocks the air passages and you may have to breathe with a little more effort. This makes you prone to snoring and sleep disturbance. Frequent bathroom visits throughout the night Normally, the bladder […]

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What Causes Asthma?

Here are a few common causes that can trigger an asthma attack: Pollen, pets, mold and dust mites Upper respiratory infections Tobacco smoke Inhaling cold, dry air Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Stress Certain medicines: If you are an asthmatic, do not take any medicines without consulting your doctor. There are certain drugs and additives that […]

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Stay Younger & Healthier With These Anti-Aging Foods

1. SWEET POTATOES  – beta-carotene turns to vitamins A for smooth skin 2. TOMATOES – Lycopene protects skin from sun damage 3. LEMON – Vitamin C produces collagen to fight wrinkles 4. AVOCADO – Avocado oil strengthens skin whiles hydrating it 5. GARLIC – Protects the skin from UV damage and wrinkling 6. PINEAPPLE – […]

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