Why Should You Floss Daily?

When we eat or drink throughout the day, the microparticles of food and drinks tend to stick to our teeth. Often, they stay stuck for long periods of time promoting teeth germs to thrive. Brushing can clean the undesirable particles that are stuck on the outer sides of the teeth, but what about the food and plaque sticking to the inner edges or between two teeth? Here’s where the flossing comes up in the picture.

Flossing your teeth daily will:

• Remove the plague from inner surfaces of the tooth and prevent the buildup of plaque.
• Help in preventing tooth decay
• Reduce the risk of developing gum disease like Gingivitis
• Prevent and banish bad breath
• Make your teeth look brighter

In addition, flossing helps to regularly examine your teeth, tongue, and gums, which can help in early detection and treatment of any oral health problems.


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