Here are a few things you can do to keep your child safe from worm infections:


  • Wash hands regularly especially after using the restroom, diaper changes, before meals, or after playing with pets.


  • Wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before giving them to your child.


  • Give only clean and purified water to drink.


  • Cook meat products tender enough so that no raw bit is left in it.


  • Keep your child’s fingernails trim and clean so that no soil could rest in it.


  • Keep your toilet clean and wash your baby’s bottom every time s/he pees or poos.


  • Make them wear slippers and shoes even when they are at home.


  • Encourage your child not to scratch the bottom or suck their fingers. Ask the caregivers to stay clean and always wash their hands before feeding child and after washroom use.


  • If you own a pet, make sure of their cleanliness. Do talk to a veterinary to know about their deworming process.


If your child has worms, regularly wash their clothes and bed linen in hot soapy water every day even up to few days after treatment. Also, if anyone in the family has worms, treat them with anti-parasitic tablets. Most importantly, consult your doctor for a suitable medication.



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