Muscle Cramps happen when muscles and tendons get stiff and tight. This makes it difficult for us to move our body. Cramps can either be painful or be just stiff muscle without any pain and inflammation. Cramps can be a real nightmare, especially when they wake you at night. Leg cramps most commonly hit your calves and hamstrings, though they can show up in just about any muscle.


Why We Get Muscle Cramps


Low levels of thyroid hormones in the body are definitely a cause for concern and may lead to a number of health problems including nocturnal leg cramps. Hypothyroidism reduces the levels of calcium in the body, resulting in muscle pain, weakness and numbness as well. Low thyroid hormone levels can also cause fatigue and low metabolism, which can result in inflammation and muscle cramps.


Dehydration is one of the biggest causes of nocturnal leg cramps. Proper hydration means proper body and mind function, including the contraction of muscles. If you’re not keeping properly hydrated during the day, you will experience cramps overnight. Without sufficient amounts of water, your muscles will be robbed of essential nutrients they need to work normally.

How to Prevent Muscle Cramps

In order to prevent the cramps from occurring, you need to stay hydrated at all times. Consuming sports drinks with electrolytes can also prevent the problem. Drinking too much coffee, alcohol or sodas can dehydrate your body and increase the risk of cramps. If a cramp woke you up in the middle of the night, massage the sore spot for 10-15 minutes.
To prevent the cramps, you should stretch your muscle before you go to bed, or ride a stationary bike for 10 minutes. If you’re experiencing a cramp, walking or jiggling the cramping leg sends a signal to your brain that the muscle needs to relax and will make you feel better.

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