5 Reasons Why You Should Start Skipping A Rope Daily

Read here 5 credible reasons why this childhood fun game must make a bouncy comeback in your life.

1. Burns calories faster

Various studies have stated that 10 minutes of skipping has the similar health benefits as a 45-minute of a hard jog or run. Start skipping 3 times a day for 10 minutes per session, or twice a day for 15 minutes per session, and it will help you burn approximately 350 calories.


2. Builds up bone density

Skipping is a low impact weight-bearing exercise that is less strenuous on the joints and helps stimulate the bone to strengthen it. But then, avoid it if you have established complaints of osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, or advanced osteoarthritis. Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise regime.


3. Tones muscles

Jumping rope helps to tone your thigh, calves, back, abdominal muscles and make the chest, shoulders, and arms work better. Overall, it helps the upper and lower body to work together in synchronization.


4. Improves balance and motor coordination

Rope skipping helps improve the functional movements like footwork, balance, and flexibility. Performing rope jumping exercise can be an additional method to improve balance and motor coordination.


5. Strengthens your heart

Skipping is a great cardiovascular workout. If you follow a regular rope jumping regime for three to five times a week of minimum 12 minutes, it can improve the rate of the heartbeat and your stamina. Also, it helps circulate blood, oxygen, and nutrients more efficiently in the body tissues. This, in turn, helps you to breathe easy, even amid strenuous activities.



2 Response Comments

  • John MonohydrateMay 28, 2023 at 10:59 am

    Just before 20 days i started and lose around 3 kg of weight by doing 500 skipping per day, which is very effective for me. Thanks.

  • Craig MonosmithJune 4, 2023 at 5:59 am

    It is not easy to do skipping rope exercise on regular basis, but after few days you will love it. Thanks for the information.


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