The Benefits of Deep Breathing

  1. It improves Lungs Function: As you breathe in and hold the breath, the air pressure inside the lungs increase. This allows air to reach into smallest capillaries and alveoli of the lungs and improves the functionality of the lungs.
  2. Reduces Stress: Relaxed deep breathing sends the signal of comfort to the brain. The brain then reduces the production of cortisol and thus reduces the stress and anxiety.
  3. Better Sleep: Deep breathing calms the central nervous system and relaxes your muscles. It’s like a meditation and it induces sleep.
  4. Weight Loss: Deep breathing allows more oxygen to enter your system. This improves oxidative digestion of foods and fat particles and results in reducing your body weight.
  5. Controls Blood Pressure: Taking deep breaths trigger the parasympathetic system and promote the digestion of salt particles in the body. This relaxes the blood vessels and reduces the raised blood pressure.
  6. Provides Energy: A 10-minute deep breath session makes your body relaxed and provides you with more oxygen. You will be energized and have more stamina.


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