‘Sticky eye’ often occurs in the first few days after birth.

It usually happens because blood or amniotic fluid has irritated your baby’s eye and caused a yellowish discharge in the corner.

If it persists for long, the problem might be blocked ‘Nasolacrimal duct’ (Tear Duct).  This duct drains fluid from the eye through the nose. In some babies, it may be blocked.

If it’s from a bacterial infection, antibiotic eye drops may be needed.



Treatment is usually very easy. Make sure to wipe from the inside (near the nose) of the eye outwards. Wipe once and throw the swab away. Use a clean tissue for each eye

Carefully clean the eye with cotton wool soaked in cooled boiled water. You massage the babies nose starting from the top of the nose and going down as shown in the figure above. Do it 4-5 times a day for a minute each time and it should open soon. If it doesn’t, rarely it may need ‘probing’ by an ENT surgeon.



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