Awesome Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water Every Day

1. Reduces Blood Pressure

Coconut water is considered good for controlling hypertension, thanks to its vitamin c, potassium, and magnesium content. Potassium, in particular, helps to reduce blood pressure by balancing the negative effects of sodium.

2. Balances pH

Acidic foods, stress, and toxins, often contribute to acidic pH levels that cause less energy and reduce the body’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals. An acidic pH contributes to problems like stressed liver function, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension and deficiency of immunity. Coconut water has an alkalizing effect that helps restore a healthy pH in the body.

3. Natural Diuretic

Coconut water acts as a natural diuretic, thus, promotes production and flow of urine. It cleanses your body’s toxic substances. It also helps prevent problems like urinary tract infections.

Due to its high potassium content, coconut water helps to accumulate urine and helps in dissolving some types of kidney stones so that they get out of the body.

4. Relief From Hangovers

Coconut water is a great natural remedy for hangovers. Alcohol reduces water in your body and it causes dehydration after your morning blues. Coconut water replenishes electrolyte in the body and enhances hydration, which makes you feel better. Antioxidants in coconut water fight oxidative stress due to excessive alcohol intake.

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