To put a full stop on your back pain:


  • Mind your posture. Make sure to sit with your back against your chair and both feet flat on the floor. Take a few minutes of posture break in between your work to straighten your back and relax. While standing, keep your head up, shoulders straight, chest forward, weight balanced evenly on both feet, and try changing your position.


  • Lighten your load. Your backpack or purse may be straining your back. Use both straps of the backpack, thereby distributing the weight equally, or use those with wheels to carry it around. For purses, prefer those with the long strap so that you may position it across your chest like a messenger bag.


  • Tweak your technique for lifting a heavy object. Lift an object by bending your hips and knees and then squatting to pick up the object. Keep your back straight and hold the object close to your body. Do not lift heavier objects alone.


  • Stretch before exercise or other strenuous physical activity. Studies across the world acclaim stretching exercise as the best antidote to treat a back pain. Whatever way you prefer, but do schedule some stretching exercises in your daily workout routine.


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