Is My BP High?

“Is my blood pressure (BP) high?” I bet this question must have hit your mind every time you had a routine BP exam. You may not have hypertension or related symptoms but still, your BP is almost always checked during every visit to the doctor. Do you know why?

Here is the answer:

• Hypertension is a common disease that may cause no symptoms at all.
• It is an easily modifiable ailment if identified in the early stages.
• High BP can alter the course of other diseases and may lead to heart attack, kidney failure or stroke.
If your BP reading is less than 120/80mm of Hg and more than 100/60 mm of Hg, provided you are 18 years of age or more, the answer to your question will be pleasant. It is normal BP. There is nothing to worry about and no intervention is needed.

If the BP reading is more than 120/80 mmHg and less than 140/90 mmHg, it is considered high-risk. You may be advised to restrict your salt intake and exercise regularly.

For BP readings more than 140/90 mmHg, medical intervention in the form of medicines may be required. Screening for illnesses like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and kidney diseases is also recommended. Salt-restricted diet and exercise along with medicines play a pivotal role in bringing down the BP.

So, is your BP high? Well, now you know the answer to this ever-lurking question.


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