The food we eat is broken down into simpler units after digestion.
Carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars like glucose, fats are broken down into fatty acids while protein is broken down into amino acids. These units can be used to generate energy (calories) and build the body. What the body does not use is ultimately stored as fat leading to weight gain. If you consume less than the body requires, fat is broken down to provide the energy needed, leading to weight loss.
The amount of calories a person requires in a day will depend on the person’s basal metabolic rate and activity level.
To lose weight you have to use more calories than you consume by,
- Increasing basal metabolic rate. This can be done by drinking coffee and tea in moderation and increasing your muscle mass.
- Increasing your activity level by exercise.
- Reducing the calories consumed by eating less simple sugars, refined carbohydrates and fatty foods while eating more complex unrefined carbohydrates and vegetables.